Azure Active Directory + Forecast

Improve the efficiency and utilization of your team is one go, reducing the number of steps to sign in.

Fast-track your team’s work with Azure Active

Integrate Forecast and Azure Active Directory to have user maintenance located in one department. The Single Sign-on (SSO) makes the process more efficient when providing new users access to the needed platforms. Once the access is granted, the users can log in to Forecast.


Find Forecast in Azure Active Directory environment for easy access

Find Forecast in your Azure Active Directory and sign in directly from there.

With the integration between Forecast and Azure Active Directory, you can be more efficient when adding users to the different platforms they have access. Just open your user's access to Forecast from Azure Active Directory. When the login has been provided, the user can sign in to Forecast as a collaborator. If you need to give the user another permission level, the Admin can do so.


Use Azure Active Directory for Single sign-on to Forecast

When integrating Azure Active Directory and Forecast, you can sign in to Forecast by just clicking on the icon.

The integration frees your company from needing passwords in your database and cuts down on login troubleshooting. It also decreases the damage a potential hack can cause. User maintenance can thus be conducted from one platform.

Users can be created and deleted in Azure Active Directory and will be deleted in Forecast.